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[spf-discuss] Re: SPFv1 / RFC 4408 compliance logo

2007-01-22 08:46:50
Julian Mehnle wrote:

I'd consider a S-ID implementation that also passes the RFC 4408
test suite to be incompliant with RFC 4408.

Not necessarily.  Only if it gets its PRA result interpreting the v=spf1
record.  [...]
Well, yeah, that was kinda implicit, since the "v=spf1"/PRA abuse is what
the S-ID specification says. :-)

Yes, a combined SPF+PRA implementation is forced to violate either the
RECOMMENDATION in RFC 4408, or the SHOULD in 4406.  If they study the
IESG note and hopefully also the appeal(s) they'll do the right thing,

I vaguely recall that one combo implementation in fact follows RFC 4408,
but I've no good idea how to search for the source (here or in "help").


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