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Re: CSV (Crocker's draft) good! (evaluation, big suggestion)

2004-05-06 10:15:30

Perhaps I'm slow, but I look at this thread and I can't tell whether most folks like CSV+NBB. Greg C seems to like it. Compared to SPF, it's orders of magnitude less effort to adopt. It doesn't provide accountability as granular as SPF, which is partly why it is easier to adopt. Do we need, e.g. a Wiki table with names in column 1 and contender acronyms along the top that folks can fill in?

Participant  SPF NBB FSV MMark ...

John Smith   -   +        +-

Joe Blow     +   -        ?

Legend (needs work)
++they like it
+think it has promise
---fatally flawed

An entry could be a link (e.g to JohnSmith#MMark) that explains the person's thoughts more fully.

On 5/6/04 6:38 AM, Tony Finch sent forth electrons to convey:

Matthew Elvey <matthew(_at_)elvey(_dot_)com> wrote:
The problem with this argument is that CSV lacks the early adopter
self-interest motivation of SPF: preventing joe-jobs.

SPF doesn't prevent joe-jobs until people start using it to reject
If I publish a '-all' in my SPF record, isn't that going to stop joe-jobs from every server implementing SPF?

It doesn't stop collateral spam from systems that don't do
SPF checks. SES acheives this without co-operation from anyone else.

Well, fundamentally it breaks (for a small subset!) that all mail must
be delivered

It's an astonishingly bad idea to compromise the reliability of email to
protect it from spam, especially since breaking it is unnecessary.
I guess you were asleep for the discussions here showing that this is obviously false, because our intent is to break email for the emailers that are forgers (typically spammers). Plus what John Kyme just said.

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