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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-crocker-email-arch-06.txt

2007-03-12 04:13:12

Frank's diagrams have finally made clear what has been bothering me since first encountering these "ADMDs" (or whatever we call them) in an earlier draft of this email architecture document. What are these strange "Transit" domains, and how do they get involved in a mailflow? Fig. 4 and the related text seem to imply that they are an independent part of a typical mailflow, outside the realm of either senders or receivers, and equal in stature to either of these.

I thought I had found such a beast in my own mailflow, but it turned out to be just another piece of the sender's network. My outgoing mail was going via, a server owned by Verizon. The folks at my local ISP,, didn't know why was in the loop, and told me that it was just something that was set up by their upstream provider. The truth is they own the name, and they control the DNS records that route my mail via an agent named If screws up, I hold responsible.

Maybe we could clarify the draft with some words like:
The boundaries of an ADMD may be defined differently by each participant in a mail transfer, and the concept may still be useful even if there is no agreement, or even a clear definition, as to the boundaries.

For example, a recipient may have email accounts at a large ISP, a small email service, and a professional association, all forwarded to a private mailbox at his own company. Each of these may view themselves as independent ADMDs, and be mistrustful of the others. To the recipient, however, they are all one ADMD with a well-defined boundary to the Internet. There should be no loss of mail due to lack of trust within this network.

There may be overlapping "levels" of ADMDs. The recipient's ADMD in this example would encompass four lower-level ADMDs. At the highest level, there are really only two ADMDs - the sender's network, and the recipient's network. There is a clear border between ADMDs defined in this way. A recipient can look at the headers on any mail he receives, and see exactly where that border lies, and where the chain of trust ends.

The other boundaries may not even be visible to an outsider. What is the fundamental difference whether is owned by a big telco or by the same ISP that owns If nothing changes but the ownership of, do we suddenly have a different architecture for the same mailflow?

What if after the merger, the guy in charge of won't talk with the guy in charge of, even though they are now in different departments of the same company? How do we decide if there are one or two Administrative Domains? Is company politics a factor in defining architecture? Is the actual ownership of the equipment or the IP addresses a factor? Do any of these factors matter to the recipients of spam?

There needs to be a fat dark line in Figure 4 between the sender's and receiver's "ADMDs" or "Administrative Realms", or whatever you want to call these collections of related MTAs. The Border should be an important, fundamental, and well-defined line in any diagram of mailflow over the open Internet.

-- Dave

At 05:37 PM 3/11/2007 +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:

          +-----+    +-----+ :
         /| MSA |--->| MO  |---> to others
        / +-----+    +-----+ :
+-----+/     |        ^ ^    :
| MUA |      | +------+ |    :
+-----+\     V V        |    :
        \ +-----+    +-----+ :
         \| MDA |<---| MX  |<--- from others
          +-----+    +-----+ :

For the simple cases (no mediator) couple two of these boxes:

          +-----+    +-----+ :  +-----+    +-----+
         /| MSA |--->| MO  |--->| MX  |--->| MDA |\
        / +-----+    +-----+ :  +-----+    +-----+ \
+-----+/     |        ^ ^    :     |        ^ ^     \+-----+
| MUA |      | +------+ |    :     | +------+ |      | MUA |
+-----+\     V V        |    :     V V        |     /+-----+
        \ +-----+    +-----+ :  +-----+    +-----+ /
         \| MDA |<---| MX  |<---| MO  |<---| MSA |/
          +-----+    +-----+ :  +-----+    +-----+

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