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Re: IETF Attendance by continent

2010-08-27 04:19:42

On Aug 6, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Bob Hinden wrote:

During my IAOC chair plenary talk at IETF78 (slides are in the proceedings) I 
asked a question about continuing the current meeting policy (3 in North 
America, 2 in Europe, 1 in Asia in two year period (3-2-1) ) or changing to a 
1-1-1 policy based on current meeting attendance.  The talk included a graph 
of attendance by continent for IETF72-IETF78.  I was asked to provide this 
data to the community.

It is attached.  It includes the raw data and a new graph that shows 
attendance by percentage.  It appears to me that a 1-1-1 meeting policy is 
justified by current overall IETF meeting attendance.

Your comments are appreciated.

I read the thread and I am happy we are not basing our decision based on the 
geographical spread of the persons who participated in this discussion. :-> 

As a rhetoric question: The IAOC will not be the judge of the consensus on this 
topic, will it? We leave that to the general AD?

Personally I believe that the aspect of going where our contributors come from 
should be weighed most heavily and I agree with Jari that there are different 
statistics that should be taken into account (like draft authorship). However, 
I also believe that the outreach component is an important one to the 
viability/goodwill of/towards the organization. 

Whatever the numbers X-Y-Z turn out to be (and I would consent with 1-1-1 and 
2-1-1) I am in favor of moving towards the X-Y-Z-* model that Peter and 
Frederico alluded to.




Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140,               1098 XG Amsterdam

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