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Re: Good Domain List one step closer to reality (actually two steps)

2004-08-16 17:06:40
guy (pobox(_at_)watkins-home(_dot_)com) wrote:

A reputation system and/or certificate system that has a cost that is based
on usage seems fine.  Free for the first 100 lookups per day, then the cost
goes up from there.  Yahoo, HotMail, gmail, ISPs and others would pay more.

Most home users and small businesses would have no problems with 100 or less
per day.

I seem to get about 100 messages a day from this mailing list alone!

(Whoops, make that 101 now.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg(_at_)wooledge(_dot_)org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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