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Re: Re: Has Meng sold us out to M$?

2004-10-13 19:05:09
I just got off the phone with Karen Hoffman
<karen_hoffman(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net> who is doing a story for
http://www.redmondmagazine.com/.  I gave her my take on the
Sender ID situation, but cautioned her that as far as the
SPF community went, my opinion was in the minority.  Anyone
who disagrees with my views is, therefore, encouraged to
contact her directly.  If you do contact her, please follow
up to this thread saying you've done so --- we don't want
her to be inundated with dozens of phone calls :)

This is definitely Doing The Right Thing.  The problem is that it
doesn't really matter, because no matter what, you will always be seen
as Mr. SPF, and the voice of SPF.  The only way to stop that is either
for a) you (Meng) to start telling people, in public statements and
the press, that you have handed the SPF mantel so someone else and
that you are no longer involved with it except as a private individual
, or b) for someone else to basically take it, and assume it, and
start acting like they own it (or speak for the community).
