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Re: Re: List of nominations for people to sit on the "SPF Leadership Council"

2004-11-14 01:09:37

I think we would all like to get on with the elections quickly, but at the same time we want to be fair and balanced. I would hate to have anyone feel excluded or railroaded or feel like they need to boycott the elections.

Here is an idea.  With regard to voting process and details:
- Have someone make a proposal and ask those nominated if they agree.
- Those who have been nominated may answer YES or NO.
- Anyone answering NO is expected to respond with their own proposal (a rewrite or a modified version).
   - Anyone answering YES may float an alternate proposal as well
- It's OK to ignore a proposal - it will either get 2/3 YES without you or someone else will counter it - Those not nominated can also float proposals (and can state YES or NO but those YES/NOs will be non-binding.) - If any proposal gets a YES from two-thirds of those nominated, it shall be considered the final, official voting process and voting should commence immediately.

I would like to suggest that john pinkerton start things off by posting a summary of the process you have already proposed along with any changes you feel are appropriate.

I would also suggest that we not try to decide what should happen after the election. Whether there is a new charter calling for new elections immediately, or how long the leadership group will serve, or any other open questions should all be left as new business for the new leaders to work on asap.
Greg Connor <gconnor(_at_)nekodojo(_dot_)org>

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