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Re: [spf-council] Re: [spf-discuss] SPF council: new elections or disolve?

2005-11-11 11:48:20
On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 10:34:14AM -0800, william(at)elan.net wrote:

 1. Should there be new elections (a) or should council member terms be
    extended (b) or should it be dissolved (c)

In my mind all three choices require elections.

(a) new elections:  Requires an election by definition.

(b) extended terms:  It's not really appropriate for a voted-upon
                     council to continue to extend their terms without
                     an election to either vote them into subsequent
                     terms, or to validate a temporary or permanent term
                     extension:  "Do you accept a one-time temporary term
                     extension of 3 months that is taken away from the
                     next term's length?"

(c) dissolution:  The council was to guide an ongoing organization.
                  It's not appropriate for someone voted into such
                  an organization to vote for it's dissolution without
                  either an explicit election for such or without
                  specifically having dissolution as a campaign goal.

Mark Shewmaker

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