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Re: [spf-discuss] What next: new elections or disolve or dither?

2005-11-16 11:12:11
In <200511161237(_dot_)36167(_dot_)scott(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> Scott 
Kitterman <spf2(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> writes:

It seems to me that there is at least a rough consensus that the
council stay in existence at least until we have an SPF RFC.

This seems to be the case.

People seem split on when/if to have more elections.  Clearly there
will be no elections until someone steps forward to organize them.
That someone (John P where are you) should be someone well
established in the community as a reasonable individual and neither
a current council member nor someone who will run.


As far as JohnP is concerned, he still hangs around on IRC and was
recently gone on vacation.  (He runs the secondary NS for openspf.org,
and he was on vacation when we did this switch, resulting in some
minor delays.)

I will start by saying that I think the Mail From and HELO/EHLO are
done.  We aren't going to get the momentum back to redo the last
several years of work.  There will be no changes that break the
installed base.  Comments?

I think reputation/accreditation support has some validity.  PHB once
wrote up an I-D on an accred= keyword, but it was side tracked while
the rest of SPF/MARID/SenderID/SPF-classic/etc raged.

I think there could also be some work done to integrate DKIM into SPF
support.  A "dkim:" mechanism is out, as far as I'm concerned, because
it would require all SPF implementations to accept the entire email
body before the check could be done.  I think that is completely
unacceptable for things like HELO checking.  A "dkim=" modifier has
possiblities, something along the lines that the SES folks discussed.


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