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Re: Re: AOL to ESPs: Comply with SPF, Or Else

2004-06-13 06:21:05
On Sat, 2004-06-12 at 07:26, Priyadi Iman Nurcahyo wrote:

or to the leading hosting automation providers
 - cpanel
 - ensim
 - plesk

I just fired off an email to each of the above control panel makers asking 
about future SPF support. I'll forward their answers to this list.

Can you please also fire your e-mail off to jcameron(_at_)webmin(_dot_)com who
develops WebMin.



James Couzens,
XML is WRONG, and here it doesn't BELONG.
Neither in SPF, nor inside of DNS,
its fat and its bloated and so I express:
JSON - "The FAT FREE alternative to XML"
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