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Re: Re: Received your email: [Re: (spf-discuss) Good Domain List one step closer to reality...]

2004-08-20 15:37:56


Regarding the auto-response, I was very aware of the issue, which is why when I signed up for the list, I requested a daily batch

I tried an auto-responder for a few months and it caused way more complaints from people than compliments. Actually I don't think I ever received a compliment regarding an auto-responder. I recommend you disable it altogether.

We have root access on RackSpace:

We are moving back to Pair.com (was Pair customers since 1996), because they 
simply offer a better service overall.

I haven't tried Pair, but usually pull their mirrors for stuff like cpan. They seem to have a reliable network.

However, I do run three servers on Rackspace, and don't have any complaints. One thing about Rackspace is that in addition to US based servers they also have Non-US based servers which makes sense in certain situations.

Best Regards

Waitman Gobble

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