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Re: Re: Received your email: [Re: (spf-discuss)Good Domain List one step closer to reality...]

2004-08-21 00:08:01
AccuSpam wrote:

I tried an auto-responder for a few months and it caused way more
complaints from people than compliments.

Actually it will be a configurable option in AccuSpam, because we
don't absolutely need it, but it does aid detection of inexistent
address over non-response methods we will offer as an option.

Probing mailing lists for deliverable addresses is a confessed
spam-technique; it is a very big no-no! Man, are you suicidal? :)

But realize the auto-response (it is not a challenge) does not get
sent to you if you are on my whitelist,

No, dude; I do not expect to see your unsolicited autoresponder at all! I
have no intention, whatsoever, to jump through your ill-configured
opt-out/whitelist hoops. And especially not when your autoresponder responds
to a message I did not even sent you!

so the problem is really only
with mailing lists. You'd may or may not know that 95+% of email
users do not use mailing lists.

And you may, or may not know, that 100% of the people on this list uses
mailing lists. So, cut it the F out.

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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