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Re: Re: Received your email: [Re: (spf-discuss) Good Domain List one step closer to reality...]

2004-08-21 01:30:08

One of the basic assumptions that Shelby is making is that it is acceptable
for a user to type in any From: address they like when using any ISP - his
own or another while on holidays, etc.

Agreed.  But there may be other cases as well, just so you do not "pigeon hole" 
my position, we can debate this point.

 Someone correct me if I am wrong,
but this is one of the main problems with e-mail today.  E-mail was never
designed to cope with what it's doing now,

My opinion is I agree and disagree.

I agree that the limits of the design are being tested, but I also still see 
that email is the most popular application and growing, so I think it is 
probably the best design ever created.  How can you argue with something that 
is most popular application?

We always think the grass is greener on other side of mountain until we get 
there and realize we ignored the negatives.

I think email was designed to cope by being as flexible as possible.  I see SPF 
"-all" as a way to fix one problem by making email brittle and creating more 
problems than it fixes.

There are many others who agree with me.  I can provide links if you want and I 
do not even know these people and never had contact with them.  I just see 
their posts on the web.

Asking for feedback here on that is like asking for a pat on the back.  How 
about ask that question in a neutral forum??

which is why there's so much
mis-use and subsequent re-designing, patching, etc, going on, but it would
be a very good thing if all ISP's could agree to a standard of no "external"
domains being used through their server and a specific date to implement it.
That gives everyone time to warn their clients and sort out any bad habits
that have crept in.

I am known for being very good at design.  Been known for that since my teenage 
years.  The best designs are the most flexible, redundant, and robust.

Those words have very specific meanings.

SPF "-all" fails all three.

I use PHP webforms, and I am considering my position very carefully.  I can
add all the headers, and I have to make sure that the server sending the
response mails are correctly identified to be spf compliant.  If anyone has
done this already, I'd appreciate some input ;-)

Sorry I have no experience.


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