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Re: Re: Received your email: [Re:(spf-discuss)Good Domain List one step closer to reality...]

2004-08-21 01:29:35
AccuSpam wrote:

Your list configuratuon got hacked?? Is that the story you will go

Mark give it up.

I also wrote in the same post you quote above:

"so that is why I set my list configuration to daily batch, but like
I said, somehow I got hacked. I do not know how. Perhaps I
accidentally resubmitted my list signup confirmation url or some
obscure bug in your list software"

Uh-huh. So it was a bug in the SPF mailing list software, then, right? And
*I* am the one who should give it up? :)

Even if so, btw, you still remain banned at my server; because I then
consider you a rogue, "owned" zombie, whose output cannot be
trusted. This "I was hacked" story makes for a very lame excuse.
Man, take some responsibility!

So why are you replying to me? Does that make you are liar?

LOL. :) No, it makes me someone who knows enough about headers to tell the
difference between (blocking) the list address and your personal IP address.
I do not have the list blocked, but YOU. :) Case in point.

Do you not think you should understand headers BEFORE you announce an
anti-spam product?

I do not think it is an issue of understanding the headers. I think
it is an issue of mailing lists not being compatible with some forms
of auto-responders or vice versa depending on your perspective), as
you will see below...  But I am willing to try to find a way to make
AccuSpam compatible with your list.

Your insults do nothing to make that a reality.

By all means, keep calling it insults. I was, and still am, giving you the
friendly advice to desist sending any and all autoresponders to people on a
mailing list. Especially so if they did not sent you email directly. I will
repeat it one last time: do not try and find a way to make your
autoresponders work with this list (or any other list, for that matter). It
is a sure ticket to getting yourself blacklisted rapidly. Just abandon the
whole idea. That is as friendly (or insulting, depending on your
perspective) as I can make it.

Your woefully misconfigured autoresponder demonstrates a lack of
pertinent knowledge on your end (the least of which is not in the
area of netiquette).

Is that the best substantive criticism of SenderKeys you can muster
to attack AccuSpam's auto-responder, which has nothing to do with the
SenderKeys Overview that is the subject of this thread?

It certainly tells me a lot about the knowledgeability of the author of

If we avoid any email with a header that says list, then spammers now
have a way to avoid our auto-responder by just pretending to be a
mailing list.

You got it wrong: if you send those autoresponder messages, then YOU are the

If you send your autoresponder to people om these lists, you run the
high risk of a biggie pulling the rug from under you one day. In
short: you picked the very wrong sorts of lists to tick people off by
spamming them.

I do not think I have a fight with them. You may wish it to be so,
but it is not.

No. I wish for you not to get yourself blacklisted on a large scale. Sorry
you cannot see that.

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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